Auditions for “The Journal”

Seattle Experimental Theater is holding auditions for its new show “The Journal” June 9, 2-4pm. Callbacks will be held June 12, 8-10pm

“The Journal” will be an improvised long form comedy based on the works of Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook, The Lucky One, Dear John). We are seeking women and men of all ages for a cast of 6-8. Performers with at least 2 years of improv experience are preferred.

Rehearsals will be Sunday afternoons (time tbd), Wednesdays and Thursdays 7-10pm.

Tech dates are the evenings of July 22nd, 23rd, 25th

Performances will be July 26-29th at 8pm, with 2pm Matinee performances on July 28, 29th.

For an audition spot, please email a resume and headshot to

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