Seattle Experimental Theater turned one year old last month, and we’d like to invite you to join us in celebrating our anniversary – or, if you prefer, “Spocking out!”
The party will take place THIS Thursday, August 2nd, from 7-10PM at Portage Bay Cafe’s location at 4130 Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle. Cocktail attire (or Starfleet uniforms) are encouraged and welcome.
Join us for complimentary wine, appetizers, door prizes and performances from the cast of “Where No Man Has Gone Before” prepared specially for this unique occasion.
All proceeds from the night will go to fund SET’s performance of “Where No Man Has Gone Before” at the Hawaii Improv Festival in September.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Admission includes complimentary wine, appetizers, and entry for a door prize.
A $40 “Admiral Level” ticket is also available.
Purchase your tickets at Brown Paper Tickets by clicking here!