Seattle Experimental Theater is looking for a few improvisers to time travel with us! SET will be holding auditions for The Doctor, an improvised parody of Doctor Who, November 2nd from 1-4pm.
We’ll be casting 6 women and men, and 1 woman to play the Companion. We will only be considering improvisers ages 18 and up at this time. Tony Beeman is pre-cast as the Doctor.
Rehearsals will be Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays in December and early January.
Performances will be held at Theatre Off Jackson:
January 17 and 18 at 8pm
January 24 and 25 at 8pm
January 26 at 2pm
Performers are paid as a percentage of the profits of the show.
Auditions will be group based improv scenes, in 30 minute slots. For an audition spot, please email a resume and headshot to Please let us know if you have a preferred time and we will do our best to accommodate you.
The Doctor will be directed by Jeannine Clarke (Director of Where No Man Has Gone Before and Wedding Horror Stories).
The Doctor is produced in association with Theatre Off Jackson.